01373 800130

Cairo DNA Clinic

Cairo DNA Test

Cairo, Egypt Immigration DNA Test

UKBA, British Embassy in Egypt Accredited Results in 3-5 Business Days

DNA Worldwide help people from countries all over the world in their immigration applications. We are able to provide people with safe and secure clinics where they can get their DNA samples taken. We aim to add more clinics to our already extensive list.

Results take 3-5 working days for Paternity testing and 5-10 working days for more complex cases.

How simple is your DNA testing?

DNA testing has never been simpler, all that is needed is a mouth swab sample from the two individuals looking to prove a biological connection. With new advancements in DNA testing the procedure is extremely safe and secure. Our fully accredited doctors will take the sample for you, this will then be sent to our laboratory for further testing. The forensic team of experts will then determine if the two individuals are biologically connected  

The DNA Worldwide team look to help you at every stage of your immigration DNA testing. We will book the appointment for you at a time and place that suits you best. Our list of clinics is always growing, we are trying to add more clinics in highly populated areas with good transport links.  


Cairo is the capital city of Egypt and is the largest city in the Middle East, this city is nicknamed “the city of a thousand minarets” after its Islamic architecture. The airport is located towards the east. Micro buses are the cheapest form of public transportation services and can be taken from the airport directly into the city. Cairo has a tram and subway system which is very cheap and is the fastest way to travel around the city.  

Why Choose DNA Worldwide?

Twice as accurate as other labs

DNA Worldwide is committed to providing DNA, Drug & Alcohol Testing with personal care and true integrity.

In addition to trust and support the most important aspect of testing is accuracy and reliability.

DNA Worldwide have developed the UK's most advanced testing platform covering DNA, Drug, Alcohol and Forensic services.

As an example all DNA tests look at up to 68 DNA Markers (compared to other labs testing just 16 markers) this means you be be completely sure of the results we provide. It also means DNA worldwide offer advanced family reconstruction cases that no other lab can provide (up to 5th cousin relationships).

Why is this key? Check out this page to see why testing just 16 DNA Markers can give inaccurate results.


Cairo DNA Clinic, El Golf Street, Cairo , Egypt

Make Enquiry



“I would recommend DNA Worldwide, 100% Fast, professional and discrete service, results quicker than expected. Good communication with DNA staff. Helpful and easy to read results explained well and understandable.”

Sulayman Dambel

“To everyone at DNA worldwide thank you very much for your help and hard work. I am so pleased to have received my test result.”

Mr Duffie

“After 21 years I have finally got an answer to a very long and tiresome question. At last I can get on with my life and the young man who had been told by his mother all this time hopefully will be able to move on as well.”