Family Relationship Testing
Home Maternity Testing

- Europe's most advanced maternity test
- Testing for mother, child and father
- Full Support - No Hidden Fees
- Dual testing process
- 100% Accurate Results
Siblingship DNA Testing

- World's most advanced sibling testing
- Testing up to 68 markers, making it at least twice as accurate as any other sibling test on the market
- Full Support - No Hidden Fees
- Dual testing process
- 100% Accurate Results
Avuncular DNA Testing

- World's most advanced avuncular test
- Testing up to 68 markers, four times the accuracy of other aunt/uncle tests.
- Full Support - No Hidden Fees
- Up to three people tested
- 100% Accurate Results
Grandparent DNA Testing

- The most advanced grandparent test
- Testing up to 68 markers making it at least twice as accurate as any other grandparent DNA test on the market
- Full Support - No Hidden Fees
- Dual testing process
- 100% Accurate Results
1st Cousin DNA Testing
Identical Twin DNA Test

- Europe's most advanced paternity test
- Testing two twins and parent (optional)
- Full Support - No Hidden Fees
- Dual testing process
- 100% Accurate Results